Annual exceedance probability levels, displayed in meters or feet, relative to tidal datums
and the geodetic North American Vertical Datum (NAVD88), if available. See the Annual Exceedance Probability tab for 95% confidence intervals for each of the exceedance probability levels shown here.
On the left, exceedance probability levels for the mid-year of the
National Tidal Datum Epoch
(1983-2001) Mean Sea Level (MSL) datum, currently in effect at most stations, are displayed. For stations with rapid sea level rates,
such as those in Louisiana, Texas, and Alaska, a 5-year modified epoch MSL datum is used. On the right, projected exceedance probability
levels and tidal datums are displayed.The values of the projected levels are based on the linear
relative sea level trend and can be displayed
for any year between 1992 and 2030. However, options are available that allow for the selection of a future decade and one of the five projection
scenarios from the
2022 Interagency Sea Level Report.
- Extreme Water Levels
- Alabama
- Alaska
- California
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- New Jersey
- New York
- North Carolina
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Texas
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington DC
- Island Stations
- Station Comparisons
Exceedance Probability Levels and Tidal Datums
Products available at 8725110 Naples, Gulf of Mexico, FL
- Tides/Water Levels
- Water Levels
- NOAA Tide Predictions
- Harmonic Constituents
- Sea Level Trends
- Datums
- Bench Mark Sheets
- Extreme Water Levels
- Reports
- Meteorological/Other
- Meteorological Observations
- Water Temp/Conductivity
- This station is not a member of PORTS®
- Operational Forecast Systems
- This station is not a member of OFS
- Information
- Station Home Page
- Data Inventory
- Measurement Specifications