Choose a station using our
Tides and Currents Map,
click on a state below, or search by station name, ID, or latitude/longitude.
Search Help
The station search can find Tide Prediction stations by name, station id, or by latitude/longitude.
- Station Name
Enter a minimum of 3 characters of a station name to retrieve a listing of stations containing those exact characters in their name. The more text entered, the more precise the search will be. Entering the name of a state will return all station in that state. Similarly, entering the name of a region or sub-region will return the stations in that group.
- Station Id
Station Ids are 7-characters long and may contain letters and/or numbers. Most Station Ids are all digits and follow the "Cutter" geographic numbering system. You may enter a partial station id, as long you provide at least 3 characters on which to search.
- Latitude, Longitude
Examples: Lat/Lon search should be entered in +/- decimal degree notation:
- 38,-76
- +38, -76
- +38.1, -76.2
- -30, -120.07