Notice: Data from this station between July 1, 2007 and February 28, 2016 has been reprocessed and quality assured according to NOS standards due to an identified quality control issue. Users who retrieved data prior to June 14, 2018 may wish to re-download any verified six minute water level data, hourly heights, high/low and monthly means products for the affected period. The correction resulted in a mean difference of 3.9 cm and a standard difference of 11.8 cm between the previous and corrected data.
Users are advised that visibility sensors provide data at a single location and
may not capture small geographic scale differences in the atmosphere. For
instance, haze, patchy fog, shallow fog, or fog banks that form at a distance
from the sensor may not be detected. Visibility estimates from this single
location should also not be used to describe region-wide conditions without
other supplemental observations in the area. Please use these data with
Data Listing
Products available at 1820000 Kwajalein, Marshall Islands,
- Meteorological/Other
- Meteorological Observations
- Water Temp/Conductivity
- This station is not a member of PORTS®
- Operational Forecast Systems
- This station is not a member of OFS
- Information
- Station Home Page
- Data Inventory
- Measurement Specifications