CO-OPS Field Library

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15 documents found.

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Author: Kasey Standridge
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy
Author: Kasey Standridge
Keywords/Tags: ncop,adcp,adp,current meter,deployment,recovery,ports,platform
Author: CIL
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CIL, SIL, ncop, current meter, survey, adcp, platform, currents, deployment, gimbal, trawl resistant, bottom mount
Author: Carl Kammerer
Keywords/Tags: ncop, adcp, adp, platform, currents, current meter, deployment, recovery, installation, log, station log, current survey, station report
Author: Carl Kammerer, CECAT
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, ncop, adcp, adp, platform, currents, current meter, deployment, recovery, installation, log, station log, current survey, CECAT, Coastal and Estuarine Circulation Analysis Team
Author: Chris Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: ncop, vessel, ship, boat, reconnaissance, survey, currents, current meter, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Sutron Corporation
Keywords/Tags: COPYRIGHT 2010, SUTRON CORPORATION. USED WITH PERMISSION. Contractors, Currents, Data, Data Logger, Data Collection Platform, DCP, Deployment, Equipment, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Guide, Installation, Maintenance, Monitoring, Platforms, Project Instructions, PORTS, Report, Software, Station, Tides, ESS, Engineering and System Specifications
Author: Greg Dusek
Keywords/Tags: currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop,FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Chris Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: ctd, conductivity, temperature, depth, rbr, reconnaissance, ncop, currents, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle,
Author: Christopher Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: ncop, reconnaissance, bottom grab, currents, platform, sample, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Christopher Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Carl Kammerer
Keywords/Tags: currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, recon, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Chris Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: hfradar, codar, high frequency, currents, ncop, antenna, hfscm, radar, reconnaissance, site, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Manoj Samant
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, NCOP, mount, criteria, current meter
Author: Kasey Standridge, CIL
Keywords/Tags: Nortek and Sontek current meters, in-water testing, bench test, field deployment, sensor, instrument, pre-deployment, CIL, Chesapeake Instrument Lab
Filename Author Keywords/Tags Kasey Standridge FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy Kasey Standridge ncop,adcp,adp,current meter,deployment,recovery,ports,platform CIL FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CIL, SIL, ncop, current meter, survey, adcp, platform, currents, deployment, gimbal, trawl resistant, bottom mount Carl Kammerer ncop, adcp, adp, platform, currents, current meter, deployment, recovery, installation, log, station log, current survey, station report Carl Kammerer, CECAT FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, ncop, adcp, adp, platform, currents, current meter, deployment, recovery, installation, log, station log, current survey, CECAT, Coastal and Estuarine Circulation Analysis Team Chris Paternostro ncop, vessel, ship, boat, reconnaissance, survey, currents, current meter, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Sutron Corporation COPYRIGHT 2010, SUTRON CORPORATION. USED WITH PERMISSION. Contractors, Currents, Data, Data Logger, Data Collection Platform, DCP, Deployment, Equipment, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Guide, Installation, Maintenance, Monitoring, Platforms, Project Instructions, PORTS, Report, Software, Station, Tides, ESS, Engineering and System Specifications Greg Dusek currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop,FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Chris Paternostro ctd, conductivity, temperature, depth, rbr, reconnaissance, ncop, currents, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, Christopher Paternostro ncop, reconnaissance, bottom grab, currents, platform, sample, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Christopher Paternostro currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Carl Kammerer currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, recon, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Chris Paternostro hfradar, codar, high frequency, currents, ncop, antenna, hfscm, radar, reconnaissance, site, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Manoj Samant FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, NCOP, mount, criteria, current meter Kasey Standridge, CIL Nortek and Sontek current meters, in-water testing, bench test, field deployment, sensor, instrument, pre-deployment, CIL, Chesapeake Instrument Lab
Last modified: 2025-03-26 14:56 UTC