CO-OPS Field Library

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5 documents found.

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Author: CIL
Keywords/Tags: 9210, ADCP, ADP, Accubar, Acoustic, Adapter, Air Gap, Airlink, Analog, Anemometer, Aquadopp, Aquatrak, ARGOS, ATON, Barometer, Barometric Pressure, Batteries, Battery, BEI, Benthos, Bracket, Bridge Clearance, Bubbler, CART, Coastal Acoustic Release Transponder, Communications, Conductivity, Connectors, Contractors, CTD, Current Meter, Data Logger, DCP, Data Collection Platforms, Deployment, Digital, Druck, Enclosure, Equipment, Falmouth, FedEx, Floatation Technologies, Forms, Freight, Gel Cell, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, GPS, GOES, Geostationary Orbital Environmental Satellites, Greenspan, HADCP, HADP, Horizontally Mounted Current Meter, HF Radar, Hydrography, I/O, IMO, IP, Internet Protocol, Modem, KPSI, Laser, LOS, Line of Sight, Mail, Meteorological, Microwave, Miros, Modem, MWWl, Microwave Water Level, Orfice, Package, Paroscientific, PCMCIA, Platforms, Pressure, Pressure Transducer, Raven XT, Relative Humidity, Release, Replacement, R.M. Young, Satlink, Seasonde, Sensor, Station, SOM, Station O&M, operation and maintenance, CIL
Author: CO-OPS
Keywords/Tags: Contractors, Deployment, Equipment, Forms, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Replacement, Sensor, Station, SOM, operation and maintenance, Chesapeake Instrument Lab
Author: CO-OPS
Keywords/Tags: Contractors, Deployment, Equipment, Forms, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Replacement, Sensor, Station, SOM, operation and maintenance, seattle instrument lab
Author: CO-OPS
Keywords/Tags: Contractors, Forms, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Replacement, Sensor, Station, SOM, operation and maintenance, CIL, chesapeake instrument lab
Author: Sutron Corporation
Keywords/Tags: COPYRIGHT 2010, SUTRON CORPORATION. USED WITH PERMISSION. Contractors, Currents, Data, Data Logger, Data Collection Platform, DCP, Deployment, Equipment, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Guide, Installation, Maintenance, Monitoring, Platforms, Project Instructions, PORTS, Report, Software, Station, Tides, ESS, Engineering and System Specifications
Filename Author Keywords/Tags CIL 9210, ADCP, ADP, Accubar, Acoustic, Adapter, Air Gap, Airlink, Analog, Anemometer, Aquadopp, Aquatrak, ARGOS, ATON, Barometer, Barometric Pressure, Batteries, Battery, BEI, Benthos, Bracket, Bridge Clearance, Bubbler, CART, Coastal Acoustic Release Transponder, Communications, Conductivity, Connectors, Contractors, CTD, Current Meter, Data Logger, DCP, Data Collection Platforms, Deployment, Digital, Druck, Enclosure, Equipment, Falmouth, FedEx, Floatation Technologies, Forms, Freight, Gel Cell, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, GPS, GOES, Geostationary Orbital Environmental Satellites, Greenspan, HADCP, HADP, Horizontally Mounted Current Meter, HF Radar, Hydrography, I/O, IMO, IP, Internet Protocol, Modem, KPSI, Laser, LOS, Line of Sight, Mail, Meteorological, Microwave, Miros, Modem, MWWl, Microwave Water Level, Orfice, Package, Paroscientific, PCMCIA, Platforms, Pressure, Pressure Transducer, Raven XT, Relative Humidity, Release, Replacement, R.M. Young, Satlink, Seasonde, Sensor, Station, SOM, Station O&M, operation and maintenance, CIL CO-OPS Contractors, Deployment, Equipment, Forms, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Replacement, Sensor, Station, SOM, operation and maintenance, Chesapeake Instrument Lab CO-OPS Contractors, Deployment, Equipment, Forms, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Replacement, Sensor, Station, SOM, operation and maintenance, seattle instrument lab CO-OPS Contractors, Forms, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Replacement, Sensor, Station, SOM, operation and maintenance, CIL, chesapeake instrument lab Sutron Corporation COPYRIGHT 2010, SUTRON CORPORATION. USED WITH PERMISSION. Contractors, Currents, Data, Data Logger, Data Collection Platform, DCP, Deployment, Equipment, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Guide, Installation, Maintenance, Monitoring, Platforms, Project Instructions, PORTS, Report, Software, Station, Tides, ESS, Engineering and System Specifications
Last modified: 2025-03-26 14:56 UTC