Datums for 9467701, Emmonak AK

Data Quality Data from this station was collected using methodology that does not meet CO-OPS highest level of accuracy (no more than 10 cm, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) referenced to a tidal datum). Recognizing that lower quality data can be used for certain applications CO-OPS is making this data available to its users with restraint. The average six-minute water level observations derived from this system have an accuracy ranging from 10.0 - 30.0 cm, 95% CI on datum. Users are cautioned to consider the accuracy of these data before using them for critical navigational or coastal engineering purposes.
NOTICE: All data values are relative to the MLLW.

Elevations on Mean Lower Low Water

Station: 9467701, Emmonak, AK
Status: Accepted (Jun 2 2020)
Units: Feet
Control Station:
T.M.: 135
Epoch: 0000-0000
Datum: MLLW
MHHW1.99Mean Higher-High Water
MHW1.38Mean High Water
MTL0.77Mean Tide Level
MSL0.80Mean Sea Level
DTL0.99Mean Diurnal Tide Level
MLW0.16Mean Low Water
MLLW0.00Mean Lower-Low Water
STND-22.51Station Datum
GT2.00Great Diurnal Range
MN1.23Mean Range of Tide
DHQ0.61Mean Diurnal High Water Inequality
DLQ0.16Mean Diurnal Low Water Inequality
HWIGreenwich High Water Interval (in hours)
LWIGreenwich Low Water Interval (in hours)
Max TideHighest Observed Tide
Max Tide Date & Time Highest Observed Tide Date & Time
Min TideLowest Observed Tide
Min Tide Date & Time Lowest Observed Tide Date & Time
HAT3.03Highest Astronomical Tide
HAT Date & Time07/14/2026 14:12HAT Date and Time
LAT-0.70Lowest Astronomical Tide
LAT Date & Time04/22/2003 03:06LAT Date and Time
Tidal Datum Analysis Periods
07/01/2019 - 08/31/2019

Products available at 9467701 Emmonak, AK