Notice: Data collected are from a Partnership with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FLDEP). These data are subject to NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS) routine quality assurance procedures on a monthly basis with data available for the previous month but are not available in real-time from NOAA. For access to the real-time data at this location, visit FLDEP-Tide Gages at

Datums for 8728229, SHELL POINT, WALKER CREEK FL

NOTICE: All data values are relative to the MLLW.

Elevations on Mean Lower Low Water

Status: Accepted (Apr 18 2024)
Units: Feet
Control Station: 8727520 Cedar Key, FL
T.M.: 0
Epoch: 1983-2001
Datum: MLLW
MHHW3.52Mean Higher-High Water
MHW3.30Mean High Water
MTL1.99Mean Tide Level
MSL1.97Mean Sea Level
DTL1.76Mean Diurnal Tide Level
MLW0.67Mean Low Water
MLLW0.00Mean Lower-Low Water
NAVD882.01North American Vertical Datum of 1988
STND2.01Station Datum
GT3.53Great Diurnal Range
MN2.63Mean Range of Tide
DHQ0.23Mean Diurnal High Water Inequality
DLQ0.68Mean Diurnal Low Water Inequality
HWI7.14Greenwich High Water Interval (in hours)
LWI0.93Greenwich Low Water Interval (in hours)
Max Tide7.65Highest Observed Tide
Max Tide Date & Time08/30/2023 20:48Highest Observed Tide Date & Time
Min Tide-3.14Lowest Observed Tide
Min Tide Date & Time09/29/2022 06:18Lowest Observed Tide Date & Time
HAT4.60Highest Astronomical Tide
HAT Date & Time08/30/2019 19:00HAT Date and Time
LAT-1.70Lowest Astronomical Tide
LAT Date & Time01/10/2005 13:42LAT Date and Time
Tidal Datum Analysis Periods
07/01/2022 - 06/30/2023

Products available at 8728229 SHELL POINT, WALKER CREEK, FL