Webinars & Presentations

Length: 4 hours, 17 minutes

Audience: For those seeking an in-depth understanding of tidal and water level datums

This recording is from a virtual workshop hosted on April 5, 2023, in collaboration with NOAA offices, aimed at equipping tidal datum users with essential updates about the upcoming National Tidal Datum Epoch (NTDE) changes. The workshop covers five main topics:

  • NTDE: An Introduction – Michael Michalski (CO-OPS) (Starts at 00:06:44)
  • Using the Datum - David Doyle (Base 9 Geodesy), Denis Riordan (NGS), Mark Huber (USACE), Nathan Wardwell (JOA Surveys, LLC) (Starts at 01:01:39)
  • Product Needs for the Datum – Michael Michalski (CO-OPS) (Starts at 1:49:00)
  • VDatum – Stephen White (NGS) (Starts at 2:35:30)
  • Historic Relationships & Older Reference Systems – James Garster (USACE), Edward Carlson (NGS), Nicole Kinsman (NWS), David Doyle (Base 9 Geodesy), Dan Martin (NGS) (Starts at 03:30:10)

Whether you are directly impacted by the NTDE updates or simply interested in the science of tidal datums, this comprehensive session offers valuable insights from experts in the field.

Length: 40 minutes

Audience: Professionals who rely on tidal datums including engineers, environmental planners, navigation experts, and floodplain managers

This National Tidal Datum Epoch (NTDE) training video explains how NOAA calculates and updates tidal datums, which are essential for coastal zone activities like navigation and coastal engineering. The NTDE is based on a 19-year cycle to provide a consistent baseline for tidal datums across the U.S. The current NTDE (1983-2001) will be replaced by the 2002-2020 NTDE after 2026, recalculating over 2,000 tidal datums.

The training uses real-world examples to show the impact of using outdated datums and emphasizes the importance of updated data for better decision-making. By the end, viewers will understand the NTDE update process, the significance of tidal datums, and why it's essential to work with the most current data.