U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Datums Page Page 1 of 5 Station ID: 9410962 PUBLICATION DATE: 05/23/2003 Name: BECHERS BAY, SANTA ROSA ISLAND CA NOAA Chart: 18728 Latitude: 34° 0.5' N ( 34.00830) USGS Quad: SANTA ROSA ISLAND NORTH Longitude: 120° 2.8' W (-120.04700) To reach the tidal bench marks from Santa Barbara proceed by boat SW for about 61 km (33 nm) across Santa Barbara Channel to Santa Rosa Island and a pier located at Bechers Bay about 3 km (2 mi) south of Carrington Point. The bench marks are on the ranch grounds adjacent to the pier. The tide gauge and staff were at the end of the pier. T I D A L B E N C H M A R K S PRIMARY BENCH MARK STAMPING: 1 1934 DESIGNATION: 941 0962 TIDAL 1 MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 11745 AGENCY: US Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) IDB PID#: SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Rock outcrop OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 34° 0.5' N ( 34.00830) LONGITUDE: 120° 2.8' W (-120.04700) The primary bench mark is a disk set in a drill hole on top of a large round shaped outcrop of rock on the north slope of the first canyon north of the pier, about 15 m (50 ft) inshore from the mouth of the canyon. BENCH MARK STAMPING: 4 1946 DESIGNATION: 941 0962 TIDAL 4 MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 11746 AGENCY: US Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) IDB PID#: SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Rock outcrop OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 34° 0.5' N ( 34.00830) LONGITUDE: 120° 2.8' W (-120.04700) The bench mark is a disk set in the top of a round shaped outcrop of rock on the south slope of the first canyon north of the pier, 56 m (184 ft) north of a gate just east of the NE corner of the ranch foremans house, and 28 m (92 ft) SSW of bench mark 1 1934.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Page 2 of 5 Station ID: 9410962 PUBLICATION DATE: 05/23/2003 Name: BECHERS BAY, SANTA ROSA ISLAND CA NOAA Chart: 18728 Latitude: 34° 0.5' N ( 34.00830) USGS Quad: SANTA ROSA ISLAND NORTH Longitude: 120° 2.8' W (-120.04700) T I D A L B E N C H M A R K S BENCH MARK STAMPING: 0962 A 1977 DESIGNATION: 941 0962 A MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 11747 AGENCY: National Ocean Survey (NOS) IDB PID#: SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Galvanized steel rod OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 34° 0.5' N ( 34.00830) LONGITUDE: 120° 2.8' W (-120.04700) The bench mark is a disk located in the vicinity of the pier, about 76 m (250 ft) SW of the inshore end of the pier, about 31 m (102 ft) SW of the south end of a gate to a gravel ramp leading to the pier, 3 m (9 ft) SE of a wooden fence to a cattle loading alley, and 0.85 m (2.8 ft) NE of a wire mesh fence. The bench mark is set about 9 cm (0.3 ft) below the ground, crimped to the top of a galvanized steel rod driven 6.7 m (22 ft) to refusal. BENCH MARK STAMPING: 0962 B 1977 DESIGNATION: 941 0962 B MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 11748 AGENCY: National Ocean Survey (NOS) IDB PID#: SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Galvanized steel rod OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 34° 0.5' N ( 34.00830) LONGITUDE: 120° 2.8' W (-120.04700) The bench mark is a disk located in the vicinity of an old school house, 130 m (427 ft) WSW of the gate to the gravel ramp leading to the pier, 46 m (151 ft) east of the SE corner and in line with the south face of the old school house (now used as a separate bunk house), 21 m (69 ft) south of the centerline of the dirt road leading from the pier to the barns, 4 m (13 ft) west of a corner post in a wooden fence, and 0.43 m (1.4 ft) north of an east-west corral fence. The bench mark is set 9 cm (0.3 ft) below the ground, crimped to the top of a galvenized steel rod driven 2.1 m (7 ft) to refusal.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Page 3 of 5 Station ID: 9410962 PUBLICATION DATE: 05/23/2003 Name: BECHERS BAY, SANTA ROSA ISLAND CA NOAA Chart: 18728 Latitude: 34° 0.5' N ( 34.00830) USGS Quad: SANTA ROSA ISLAND NORTH Longitude: 120° 2.8' W (-120.04700) T I D A L B E N C H M A R K S BENCH MARK STAMPING: 0962 C 1977 DESIGNATION: 941 0962 C MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 11749 AGENCY: National Ocean Survey (NOS) IDB PID#: SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Galvanized steel rod OPUS PID#: BBCR84 LATITUDE: 34° 0.5' N ( 34.00830) LONGITUDE: 120° 2.8' W (-120.04700) The bench mark is a disk located near the ranch foremans house, 112 m (367 ft) NW of a gate to the gravel ramp leading to the pier, 24 m (79 ft) SSW of the west end of the gate located just east of the NE corner of the ranch foremans house, 6.80 m (22.3 ft) east of the SE corner of the house and in line with the front of the house, 5.15 m (16.9 ft) north of the SE yard fence corner, and 0.58 m (1.9 ft) east of the wooden yard fence. The bench mark is set 9 cm (0.3 ft) below the ground, crimped to the top of a galvanized steel rod driven 1.8 m (6 ft) to refusal.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Page 4 of 5 Station ID: 9410962 PUBLICATION DATE: 05/23/2003 Name: BECHERS BAY, SANTA ROSA ISLAND CA NOAA Chart: 18728 Latitude: 34° 0.5' N ( 34.00830) USGS Quad: SANTA ROSA ISLAND NORTH Longitude: 120° 2.8' W (-120.04700) T I D A L D A T U M S Tidal datums at BECHERS BAY, SANTA ROSA ISLAND based on: LENGTH OF SERIES: 8 MONTHS TIME PERIOD: October 1977 - May 1978 TIDAL EPOCH: 1983-2001 CONTROL TIDE STATION: 9410660 LOS ANGELES, OUTER HARBOR Elevations of tidal datums referred to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW), in METERS: MEAN HIGHER HIGH WATER MHHW = 1.567 MEAN HIGH WATER MHW = 1.346 MEAN TIDE LEVEL MTL = 0.820 MEAN SEA LEVEL MSL = 0.814 MEAN LOW WATER MLW = 0.295 MEAN LOWER LOW WATER MLLW = 0.000 North American Vertical Datum (NAVD88) Bench Mark Elevation Information In METERS above: Stamping or Designation MLLW MHW 1 1934 7.188 5.842 4 1946 7.299 5.953 0962 A 1977 15.510 14.164 0962 B 1977 16.560 15.214 0962 C 1977 15.576 14.230
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Page 5 of 5 Station ID: 9410962 PUBLICATION DATE: 05/23/2003 Name: BECHERS BAY, SANTA ROSA ISLAND CA NOAA Chart: 18728 Latitude: 34° 0.5' N ( 34.00830) USGS Quad: SANTA ROSA ISLAND NORTH Longitude: 120° 2.8' W (-120.04700) D E F I N I T I O N S Mean Sea Level (MSL) is a tidal datum determined over a 19-year National Tidal Datum Epoch. It pertains to local mean sea level and should not be confused with the fixed datums of North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). NAVD88 is a fixed datum derived from a simultaneous, least squares, minimum constraint adjustment of Canadian/Mexican/United States leveling observations. Local mean sea level observed at Father Point/Rimouski, Canada was held fixed as the single initial constraint. NAVD88 replaces NGVD29 as the national standard geodetic reference for heights. Bench mark elevations relative to NAVD88 are available from NGS through the World Wide Web at National Geodetic Survey. NGVD29 is a fixed datum adopted as a national standard geodetic reference for heights but is now considered superseded. NGVD29 is sometimes referred to as Sea Level Datum of 1929 or as Mean Sea Level on some early issues of Geological Survey Topographic Quads. NGVD29 was originally derived from a general adjustment of the first-order leveling networks of the U.S. and Canada after holding mean sea level observed at 26 long term tide stations as fixed. Numerous local and wide-spread adjustments have been made since establishment in 1929. Bench mark elevations relative to NGVD29 are available from the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) data base via the World Wide Web at National Geodetic Survey. NAVD88 and NGVD29 are fixed geodetic datums whose elevation relationships to local MSL and other tidal datums may not be consistent from one location to another. The Vertical Mark Number (VM#) and PID# shown on the bench mark sheet are unique identifiers for bench marks in the tidal and geodetic databases, respectively. Each bench mark in either database has a single, unique VM# and/or PID# assigned. Where both VM# and PID# are indicated, both tidal and geodetic elevations are available for the bench mark listed. The NGS's Integrated Data Base (IDB PID) provides geodetic datum based on traditionally leveled and bluebooked ties to the National Spatial Reference System(NSRS) https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/datasheets/. The NGS Online Positioning User Service (OPUS PID) provides geodetic datum based on GPS position & tie it to the NSRS https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/OPUS/. The NAVD88 elevation is shown on the Elevations of Tidal Datums Table Referred to MLLW only when two or more of the bench marks listed have NAVD88 elevations. The NAVD88 elevation relationship shown in the table is derived from an average of several bench mark elevations relative to tide station datum. As a result of this averaging, NAVD88 bench mark elevations computed indirectly from the tidal datums elevation table may differ slightly from NAVD88 elevations listed for each bench mark in the NGS database.