National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                            National Ocean Service
Datums Page                                                        Page  1 of  7

Station ID: 1619000                         PUBLICATION DATE:  04/21/2003
Name:       JOHNSTON ATOLL, PACIFIC OCEAN                     
NOAA Chart: 83637                           Latitude:   16° 44.3' N (  16.73830)
USGS Quad:  NONE                            Longitude: 169° 31.8' W (-169.53000)

To reach the tidal bench marks, from the Johnston Island airport proceed east on
the perimeter road around the end of the runway for approximately 0.8 km (0.5
mi), make a right turn into the small boat basin.  The bench marks and tide gage
were located in the vicinity of the basin.  The tide house is located on the NW
corner of the pier.  

                         T I D A L   B E N C H   M A R K S

                 PRIMARY BENCH MARK STAMPING:  NO 13 1955
                         DESIGNATION:          161 9000 NO 13

MONUMENTATION:           Tidal Station disk                    VM#:           87
AGENCY:                  US Coast and Geodetic Survey
                         (USC&GS)                              IDB PID#:        
SETTING CLASSIFICATION:  Concrete bulkhead cap                 OPUS PID:        
LATITUDE:   ' °deg (0)          LONGITUDE:  ' °deg (0)

The primary bench mark is a disk set in a concrete bulkhead cap at the inshore
end of the Small Boat Pier, 17.53 m (57.5 ft) north of the NW corner of Building
#100, 7.92 m (26.0 ft) NW of fire hydrant #14, 4.42 m (14.5 ft) west of the
eastern side of the cement bulkhead of the small boat pier, and flush with

                         BENCH MARK STAMPING:  NO 12 1955
                         DESIGNATION:          161 9000 NO 12

MONUMENTATION:           Tidal Station disk                    VM#:           60
AGENCY:                  US Coast and Geodetic Survey
                         (USC&GS)                              IDB PID#:        
SETTING CLASSIFICATION:  Concrete sea wall                     OPUS PID:        
LATITUDE:   ' °deg (0)          LONGITUDE:  ' °deg (0)

The bench mark is a disk set in the top of a concrete seawall on the west side
of the Small Boat Pier, 17.07 m (56.0 ft) south of the south edge of the small
concrete pier where the tide house is located, 3 m (10 ft) NW of bollard near
galvanized barrier, 2 m (6 ft) north of galvanized barrier protecting fuel line
painted yellow, and 0.30 m (1.0 ft) south of the south edge of a northern-most
wooden ramp leading from the Navy pier to a wooden boat pier.

                          U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                            National Ocean Service
                                                                   Page  2 of  7

Station ID: 1619000                         PUBLICATION DATE:  04/21/2003
Name:       JOHNSTON ATOLL, PACIFIC OCEAN                     
NOAA Chart: 83637                           Latitude:   16° 44.3' N (  16.73830)
USGS Quad:  NONE                            Longitude: 169° 31.8' W (-169.53000)

                         T I D A L   B E N C H   M A R K S

                         BENCH MARK STAMPING:  NO 14
                         DESIGNATION:          161 9000 NO 14
                         ALIAS:                USE 14

MONUMENTATION:           Bench Mark disk                       VM#:           61
AGENCY:                  US Army Corps of Engineers (USE)      IDB PID#:        
SETTING CLASSIFICATION:  Concrete bulkhead cap                 OPUS PID:        
LATITUDE:   ' °deg (0)          LONGITUDE:  ' °deg (0)

The bench mark is a disk set in top of concrete bulkhead cap on the east side of
the Small Boat Pier, 77.72 m (255.0 ft) south of the northeastern corner of the
pier, 59.44 m (195.0 ft) north of the inshore end of the east side of the pier,
5.49 m (18.0 ft) north of a bit, and 0.98 m (3.2 ft) west of the east wooden
face of the Pier.

                         BENCH MARK STAMPING:  NO 28 1964
                         DESIGNATION:          161 9000 NO 28

MONUMENTATION:           Tidal Station disk                    VM#:           62
AGENCY:                  US Coast and Geodetic Survey
                         (USC&GS)                              IDB PID#:  TW0253
SETTING CLASSIFICATION:  Concrete sidewalk                     OPUS PID:        
LATITUDE:   16° 44.3' N (  16.73830)          LONGITUDE: 169° 31.6' W (-169.52700)

The bench mark is a disk set in top of the SE corner of the concrete sidewalk
leading into the doorway to the boiler room on the west side of the west wing of
the former Officer's Club (Building #4), 8.23 m (27.0 ft) north of the SW corner
of the wing, 7.32 m (24.0 ft) south of the NW corner of the wing, 0.30 m (1.0
ft) south of the south edge of the doorway, and 0.12 m (0.4 ft) west of east
facing wall of Building #4.

                          U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                            National Ocean Service
                                                                   Page  3 of  7

Station ID: 1619000                         PUBLICATION DATE:  04/21/2003
Name:       JOHNSTON ATOLL, PACIFIC OCEAN                     
NOAA Chart: 83637                           Latitude:   16° 44.3' N (  16.73830)
USGS Quad:  NONE                            Longitude: 169° 31.8' W (-169.53000)

                         T I D A L   B E N C H   M A R K S

                         BENCH MARK STAMPING:  MON JOHN
                         DESIGNATION:          161 9000 MON JOHN

MONUMENTATION:           Triangulation Station disk            VM#:           66
AGENCY:                  Unknown                               IDB PID#:  TW0231
SETTING CLASSIFICATION:  Concrete monument                     OPUS PID:        
LATITUDE:   16° 44.1' N (  16.73500)          LONGITUDE: 169° 31.7' W (-169.52800)

The bench mark is a disk set in a 0.30 m (1.0 ft) diameter concrete hole located
approximately midway between Apartment D and Apartment E, 37.34 m (122.5 ft) NE
of a fire hydrant on Arnold Avenue corner, 23.93 m (78.5 ft) SW of the SE corner
of Building #291, 11.43 m (37.5 ft) west from 1 m (3 ft) diameter electric
manhole cover on south side of Arnold Avenue, 3.05 m (10.0 ft) SE of street
curbing, 0.24 m (0.8 ft) below street level, and protected by a 0.3 m (1 ft)
circular steel cover.   

                         BENCH MARK STAMPING:  9000 L 1979
                         DESIGNATION:          161 9000 L

MONUMENTATION:           Tidal Station disk                    VM#:           67
AGENCY:                  National Ocean Survey (NOS)           IDB PID#:        
SETTING CLASSIFICATION:  Concrete loading ramp                 OPUS PID:        
LATITUDE:   ' °deg (0)          LONGITUDE:  ' °deg (0)

The bench mark is a disk set horizontally in the northeastern corner of the
raised concrete loading ramp on the SW side of Building #100, 14.33 m (47.0 ft)
east of the SW corner of the building, 4.05 m (13.3 ft) north of south edge of
raised compressor platform, 0.15 m (0.5 ft) from south facing edge of building,
and 1.07 m (3.5 ft) above ground level. 

                          U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                            National Ocean Service
                                                                   Page  4 of  7

Station ID: 1619000                         PUBLICATION DATE:  04/21/2003
Name:       JOHNSTON ATOLL, PACIFIC OCEAN                     
NOAA Chart: 83637                           Latitude:   16° 44.3' N (  16.73830)
USGS Quad:  NONE                            Longitude: 169° 31.8' W (-169.53000)

                         T I D A L   B E N C H   M A R K S

                         BENCH MARK STAMPING:  NO 21 1964
                         DESIGNATION:          161 9000 NO 21

MONUMENTATION:           Tidal Station disk                    VM#:           88
AGENCY:                  US Coast and Geodetic Survey
                         (USC&GS)                              IDB PID#:  TW0252
SETTING CLASSIFICATION:  Concrete wall                         OPUS PID:        
LATITUDE:   16° 44.3' N (  16.73830)          LONGITUDE: 169° 31.6' W (-169.52700)

The bench mark is a disk set in top of a 1 m (2 ft) high concrete foundation
wall, 23.47 m (77.0 ft) east from the NW corner of the west wing of the former
Officer's Club (Building #4), and 1.22 m (4.0 ft) west from west edge of a
doorway on the north side of the wing, and 0.12 m (0.4 ft) north of north facing
wall of building #4.

                         BENCH MARK STAMPING:  9000 M 1990
                         DESIGNATION:          161 9000 M

MONUMENTATION:           Tidal Station disk                    VM#:         1487
AGENCY:                  National Ocean Service (NOS)          IDB PID#:        
SETTING CLASSIFICATION:  Building foundation                   OPUS PID:        
LATITUDE:   ' °deg (0)          LONGITUDE:  ' °deg (0)

The bench mark is a disk set in the foundation on the south side in the west
corner of the second bay door on the western side of the Painting Building #33,
7.10 m (23.3 ft) east of SW corner of the Building #33, 4.05 m (13.3 ft) of east
side of cargo bay door, 1.91 m (6.25 ft) north of the southern edge of the
concrete pad forming the ramp into the bay, and 0.21 m (0.7 ft) east of the
western edge of the bay door.

                          U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                            National Ocean Service
                                                                   Page  5 of  7

Station ID: 1619000                         PUBLICATION DATE:  04/21/2003
Name:       JOHNSTON ATOLL, PACIFIC OCEAN                     
NOAA Chart: 83637                           Latitude:   16° 44.3' N (  16.73830)
USGS Quad:  NONE                            Longitude: 169° 31.8' W (-169.53000)

                         T I D A L   B E N C H   M A R K S

                         BENCH MARK STAMPING:  9000 N 1990
                         DESIGNATION:          161 9000 N

MONUMENTATION:           Tidal Station disk                    VM#:         1488
AGENCY:                  National Ocean Service (NOS)          IDB PID#:        
SETTING CLASSIFICATION:  Building foundation                   OPUS PID:        
LATITUDE:   ' °deg (0)          LONGITUDE:  ' °deg (0)

The bench mark is a disk set in the foundation in the eastern-most bay on the
north side of the Vehicle Maintenance Building #40, 3.32 m (10.9 ft) east of the
west side of the cargo bay door, 2.26 m (7.4 ft) south of the end of the
concrete pad serving as an entry into the garage, 1.07 m (3.5 ft) west of the
west side of the entry doorway to the dispatch office, and 0.34 m (1.1 ft) west
of the eastern side of the bay door.

                          U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                            National Ocean Service
                                                                   Page  6 of  7

Station ID: 1619000                         PUBLICATION DATE:  04/21/2003
Name:       JOHNSTON ATOLL, PACIFIC OCEAN                     
NOAA Chart: 83637                           Latitude:   16° 44.3' N (  16.73830)
USGS Quad:  NONE                            Longitude: 169° 31.8' W (-169.53000)

                            T I D A L   D A T U M S 

Tidal datums at JOHNSTON ATOLL, PACIFIC OCEAN based on:

     LENGTH OF SERIES:      19 Years
     TIME PERIOD:           January 1983 - December 2001
     TIDAL EPOCH:           1983-2001

Elevations of tidal datums referred to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW), in METERS:

     HIGHEST OBSERVED WATER LEVEL (01/13/1958)         =  1.521
     MEAN HIGHER HIGH WATER                     MHHW   =  0.675
     MEAN HIGH WATER                            MHW    =  0.600
     MEAN SEA LEVEL                             MSL    =  0.321
     MEAN TIDE LEVEL                            MTL    =  0.319
     MEAN LOW WATER                             MLW    =  0.037
     MEAN LOWER LOW WATER                       MLLW   =  0.000
     LOWEST  OBSERVED WATER LEVEL (03/23/1951)         = -0.552

Bench Mark Elevation Information                In METERS above:

     Stamping or Designation                    MLLW        MHW

     NO 13 1955                                  2.298    1.698
     NO 12 1955                                  2.337    1.737
     NO 14                                       2.304    1.704
     NO 28 1964                                  2.821    2.221
     MON JOHN                                    4.042    3.442
     9000 L 1979                                 3.334    2.734
     NO 21 1964                                  3.239    2.639
     9000 M 1990                                 2.334    1.734
     9000 N 1990                                 2.837    2.237

                          U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                            National Ocean Service
                                                                   Page  7 of  7

Station ID: 1619000                         PUBLICATION DATE:  04/21/2003
Name:       JOHNSTON ATOLL, PACIFIC OCEAN                     
NOAA Chart: 83637                           Latitude:   16° 44.3' N (  16.73830)
USGS Quad:  NONE                            Longitude: 169° 31.8' W (-169.53000)

                             D E F I N I T I O N S

Mean Sea Level (MSL) is a tidal datum determined over a 19-year National
Tidal Datum Epoch.  It pertains to local mean sea level and should not be
confused with any other fixed island datum.

This tide station location has a local island datum.  Island datums
are specific fixed geodetic datums whose elevation relationship to local MSL
and other tidal datums may not be consistent from one location to another.

The Vertical Mark Number (VM#) and PID# shown on the bench mark sheet are unique
identifiers for bench marks in the tidal and geodetic databases, respectively.
Each bench mark in either database has a single, unique VM# and/or PID# assigned.
Where both VM# and PID# are indicated, both tidal and geodetic elevations are
available for the bench mark listed. The NGS's Integrated Data Base (IDB PID)
provides geodetic datum based on traditionally leveled and bluebooked ties to
the National Spatial Reference System(NSRS) https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/datasheets/.
The NGS Online Positioning User Service (OPUS PID) provides geodetic datum based
on GPS position & tie it to the NSRS https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/OPUS/.