U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Datums Page Page 1 of 6 Station ID: 1611400 PUBLICATION DATE: 04/21/2003 Name: NAWILIWILI, NAWILIWILI HARBOR, KAUAI HI NOAA Chart: 19383 Latitude: 21° 57.3' N ( 21.95500) USGS Quad: LIHUE Longitude: 159° 21.4' W (-159.35700) To reach the tidal bench marks, from the Lihue Airport take a left on Ahukini Road (State Highway 57) and then go south on Kapule Highway (State Highway 51), then proceed 2.4 km (1.5 mi) and turn south on Rice Street. Proceed 1.3 km (0.8 mi) and turn west on Waapa Road, then proceed 0.3 km (0.2 mi) to the gate to Pier # 2, and turn south through the gate to the Pier #2 Warehouse. The bench marks are located along Waapa Road and Kapule Highway (State Highway 51) in the vicinity of Pier # 2. The tide station is located in the SW corner of the warehouse. T I D A L B E N C H M A R K S PRIMARY BENCH MARK STAMPING: NO 14 1974 DESIGNATION: 161 1400 TIDAL 14 MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 13 AGENCY: US Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) IDB PID#: SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Concrete apron OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 21° 57.3' N ( 21.95583) LONGITUDE: 159° 21.2' W (-159.35389) The primary bench mark is a disk set flush in the western entrance to the Pier 2 transit shed, 13.11 m (43.0 ft) south of the NW corner of the warehouse, 0.40 m (1.3 ft) south of the north edge of rollup door, and 0.27 m (0.9 ft) south of the yellow cone shaped door guard. BENCH MARK STAMPING: NO 5 1954 DESIGNATION: 161 1400 TIIDAL 5 MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 8 AGENCY: US Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) IDB PID#: SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Concrete sidewalk OPUS PID#: DK4804 LATITUDE: 21° 57.3' N ( 21.95469) LONGITUDE: 159° 21.2' W (-159.35347) The bench mark is a disk set in concrete walk leading to the State of Hawaii Marine Harbor Patrol Boat Station Pier, 42 m (138 ft) south of the wharf face line of Pier 1, 3.05 m (10.0 ft) west of the west side of the Marine Patrol Building, and 0.15 m (0.5 ft) from the west end of concrete walk.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Page 2 of 6 Station ID: 1611400 PUBLICATION DATE: 04/21/2003 Name: NAWILIWILI, NAWILIWILI HARBOR, KAUAI HI NOAA Chart: 19383 Latitude: 21° 57.3' N ( 21.95500) USGS Quad: LIHUE Longitude: 159° 21.4' W (-159.35700) T I D A L B E N C H M A R K S BENCH MARK STAMPING: 1400 A 1980 DESIGNATION: 161 1400 A MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 15 AGENCY: National Ocean Survey (NOS) IDB PID#: SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Concrete foundation OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 21° 57.3' N ( 21.95428) LONGITUDE: 159° 21.4' W (-159.35717) The bench mark is a disk set flush in a concrete foundation of a bollard, 93.88 m (308.0 ft) west of the west end of the Pier 2 transit shed, 25.30 m (83.0 ft) NW of the SW corner of Pier 2, 13.11 m (43.0 ft) west of a light fixture of Pier 2, 4.12 m (13.5 ft) north of a concrete and rock sea wall, 0.76 m (2.5 ft) west of the center of a bollard, and at ground level. BENCH MARK STAMPING: 1400 B 1980 DESIGNATION: 161 1400 B MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 16 AGENCY: National Ocean Survey (NOS) IDB PID#: SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Concrete foundation OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 21° 57.3' N ( 21.95497) LONGITUDE: 159° 21.4' W (-159.35656) The bench mark is a disk set in the SW corner of a 1 m x 5 m (3 ft x 17 ft) concrete foundation supporting a sugar gantry which leads to the Pier 2 transit shed, 29.26 m (96.0 ft) NW of the NW corner of the Pier 2 transit shed, 13.72 m (45.0 ft) NW of the centerline of Waapa Road, 9.45 m (31.0 ft) NE of the telephone pole # D90 at the entrance gate to the Shell Oil Company plant, and 0.46 m (1.5 ft) above the ground.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Page 3 of 6 Station ID: 1611400 PUBLICATION DATE: 04/21/2003 Name: NAWILIWILI, NAWILIWILI HARBOR, KAUAI HI NOAA Chart: 19383 Latitude: 21° 57.3' N ( 21.95500) USGS Quad: LIHUE Longitude: 159° 21.4' W (-159.35700) T I D A L B E N C H M A R K S BENCH MARK STAMPING: 1400 C 1983 DESIGNATION: 161 1400 C MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 17 AGENCY: National Ocean Survey (NOS) IDB PID#: SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Stainless steel rod OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 21° 57.3' N ( 21.95439) LONGITUDE: 159° 21.5' W (-159.35822) The bench mark is a disk set 38.71 m (127.0 ft) NW of the sea wall on the Nawiliwili Harbor, 17.37 m (57.0 ft) SW of a yellow fire plug stamped No. 5, 9.30 m (30.5 ft) NW of the center line of the Waapa Road, 0.61 m (2.0 ft) west of telephone pole #6, and 0.30 m (1.0 ft) SW of a standard NGS orange fiberglass witness post. The bench mark is set 9 cm (0.3 ft) above natural grade, crimped to the top of a 9/16-inch stainless steel rod driven to a depth of 4.3 m (14 ft) to refusal, and encased in a 4-inch PVC pipe covered with a threaded PVC pipe cap. BENCH MARK STAMPING: 1400 F 1991 DESIGNATION: 161 1400 F MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 20 AGENCY: National Ocean Service (NOS) IDB PID#: SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Concrete breakwater OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 21° 57.2' N ( 21.95308) LONGITUDE: 159° 21.2' W (-159.35289) The bench mark is a disk set in the south end of the concrete breakwater in Nawiliwili Harbor, approximately 114 m (375 ft) SSE of the SE corner of the Pier 1 warehouse, 18 m (59 ft) west of the US Corps of Engineers Nawiliwili Monument, 7 m (23 ft) from the southwest end of the breakwater, 0.46 m (1.5 ft) from the north corner at the end of the breakwater, 0.34 m (1.1 ft) from the west edge of the breakwater, and 1.07 m (3.5 ft) above the ground.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Page 4 of 6 Station ID: 1611400 PUBLICATION DATE: 04/21/2003 Name: NAWILIWILI, NAWILIWILI HARBOR, KAUAI HI NOAA Chart: 19383 Latitude: 21° 57.3' N ( 21.95500) USGS Quad: LIHUE Longitude: 159° 21.4' W (-159.35700) T I D A L B E N C H M A R K S BENCH MARK STAMPING: WALL DESIGNATION: 161 1400 WALL MONUMENTATION: Bench Mark disk VM#: 21 AGENCY: US Army Corps of Engineers (USE) IDB PID#: SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Concrete monument on sea wall OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 21° 57.4' N ( 21.95670) LONGITUDE: 159° 21.6' W (-159.36000) The bench mark is a disk set on a 0.61 m (2.0 ft) square concrete monument on top of a seawall running along the north edge of the harbor, 23.01 m (75.5 ft) NW of the NW corner of a concrete tug boat pier, 22 m (72 ft) SE of the center of a large yellow double bollard in the middle of the container yard, 1 m (3 ft) north of the top of the seawall, and 0.15 m (0.5 ft) above grade.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Page 5 of 6 Station ID: 1611400 PUBLICATION DATE: 04/21/2003 Name: NAWILIWILI, NAWILIWILI HARBOR, KAUAI HI NOAA Chart: 19383 Latitude: 21° 57.3' N ( 21.95500) USGS Quad: LIHUE Longitude: 159° 21.4' W (-159.35700) T I D A L D A T U M S Tidal datums at NAWILIWILI, NAWILIWILI HARBOR, KAUAI based on: LENGTH OF SERIES: 19 Years TIME PERIOD: January 1983 - December 2001 TIDAL EPOCH: 1983-2001 CONTROL TIDE STATION: Elevations of tidal datums referred to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW), in METERS: HIGHEST OBSERVED WATER LEVEL (09/11/1992) = 1.519 MEAN HIGHER HIGH WATER MHHW = 0.558 MEAN HIGH WATER MHW = 0.434 MEAN SEA LEVEL MSL = 0.252 MEAN TIDE LEVEL MTL = 0.247 MEAN LOW WATER MLW = 0.061 MEAN LOWER LOW WATER MLLW = 0.000 LOWEST OBSERVED WATER LEVEL (05/24/1967) = -0.331 Bench Mark Elevation Information In METERS above: Stamping or Designation MLLW MHW NO 14 1974 2.458 2.024 NO 5 1954 1.557 1.123 1400 A 1980 2.410 1.976 1400 B 1980 2.360 1.926 1400 C 1983 1.915 1.481 1400 F 1991 2.563 2.129 WALL 1.856 1.422
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Page 6 of 6 Station ID: 1611400 PUBLICATION DATE: 04/21/2003 Name: NAWILIWILI, NAWILIWILI HARBOR, KAUAI HI NOAA Chart: 19383 Latitude: 21° 57.3' N ( 21.95500) USGS Quad: LIHUE Longitude: 159° 21.4' W (-159.35700) D E F I N I T I O N S Mean Sea Level (MSL) is a tidal datum determined over a 19-year National Tidal Datum Epoch. It pertains to local mean sea level and should not be confused with any other fixed island datum. This tide station location has a local island datum. Island datums are specific fixed geodetic datums whose elevation relationship to local MSL and other tidal datums may not be consistent from one location to another. The Vertical Mark Number (VM#) and PID# shown on the bench mark sheet are unique identifiers for bench marks in the tidal and geodetic databases, respectively. Each bench mark in either database has a single, unique VM# and/or PID# assigned. Where both VM# and PID# are indicated, both tidal and geodetic elevations are available for the bench mark listed. The NGS's Integrated Data Base (IDB PID) provides geodetic datum based on traditionally leveled and bluebooked ties to the National Spatial Reference System(NSRS) https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/datasheets/. The NGS Online Positioning User Service (OPUS PID) provides geodetic datum based on GPS position & tie it to the NSRS https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/OPUS/.